Friday, June 24, 2011

My newspaper article made by the Beaver County Times!

Moon Area student to study in South Korea

Posted: Sunday, June 19, 2011 12:00 am | Updated: 4:20 pm, Sun Jun 19, 2011.
MOON TWP. — While most high school students are working summer jobs, one Moon Area High School student will be spending her vacation studying in South Korea.
Valerie Snaman, 17, received a scholarship from the National Security Language Initiative for Youth and the International Education and Resource Network to study in South Korea for several weeks.
The NSLI-Y and IEARN programs work toward encouraging youth to learn foreign languages and to use technology to become connected to what is occuring around the world.
“This type of program was perfect for me because it involves a lot of the different areas I am interested in,” Snaman said. “This will give me an opportunity to see different cultures and learn more languages. I am very excited to be a part of this.”
Snaman will participate in a six-week, summer session, during which time she will be studying the South Korean culture and language at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea.
“Knowing different languages is essential to the world today. No matter what job a person has, knowing a few languages can be a very valuable skill,” she said. “Studying in South Korea will give me more opportunities and will help me in my future career.”
The program offers 550 full scholarships to U.S. high school students ages 15-18 to study abroad.
Through this program, scholarship recipients will be able to travel to counties that speak the languages of Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Korean, Russian or Turkish.
Snaman will be in South Korea from June 28 until Aug. 14 and will be living with a host family. She is hoping to be able to gain more than basic Korean-language skills while participating in the program.
“I am hoping to be more confident when I come back,” Snaman said. “I want that life-changing type of experience that will change how I view the world, and I think by stepping out of my comfort zone I will be able to accomplish that.”

Thank you, Beaver County Times, for writing this about me!

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