Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Today, I got up bright and early to leave by 8:30 for Taekwando. It was the most complicated subway trip i've made yet and it was successful! When we got to Taekwando, we all got matching uniforms to wear and white belts. (Except Dean and Tatiana who were already Black belts from before) we did stretches, warmed up, learned basic punches and kicks, sparred, learned self defense, and broke a board. The board breaking was cool because they had us write our hopes and dreams and then break it (we were confused too why we were breaking our hopes and dreams :p ) I had a really thick board though, so my first time, my hand just bounced off! I managed to get it afterwards though! It was a great experience and I especially loved yelling at every move. Our feet and hands got filthy though from being barefoot on the ground. We went out to eat after that and I got Mandu from a street vendor for only 2000 won.. I really loved it and think i'll be going back often! We passed a convenience store and I found a miracle in Korea: Deodorant! It was all dusty and untouched, but it still exists somewhere! Wow! (If you didn't know, most Koreans don't use deodorant because they don't need it) We had class (which was boring) and afterwards I went with Tai, G, and Nhi to meet Arram. We got to go to a "traditional meets modern" sort of showcase and it was amazing! It had traditional instruments and traditional dancers in old-fashioned outfits, but it also had a DJ and breakdancers! It was fabulous (and Nhi and I especially liked when the breakdancers danced shirtless ;p ) I'm home now and feeling pretty tired and hungry. Tomorrow we meet with Arram to make traditional fans!

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